To begin with sorry for the long long absence. But here is at least one thing some of you have been waiting for. Tata book house finally has the book up for sale!
Those of you in Bangalore, I strongly suggest you just drop into campus go to the book store which is quite close to the entrance and buy the book there. The book will soon be available in the Chennai branch as well.
Those of you elsewhere, who want to order it, you can order it through the inquiry form on their website. Alternately send them an email / call. They'll give you a quote for the book + shipping (with reputed couriers), you'll have to send them a cheque or DD / bank transfer and they'll ship you the book.
I realise this is a bit more complicated than the usual procedure, but that's the best there is as of now. There's something in the works with Scholars without borders which should hopefully be easier, but is not quite there yet. More as it happens.
PS. SWB quite boldly say this on their website "Need a book that is not listed on our site? We can source any book (published in India or even elsewhere)-just write in!! Our email addresses are mail@scholarswithoutborders.in and scholarswithoutborders@gmail.com" So if you prefer their payment options you might write to them and ask them. This is where you can find contact address for the publisher.