Friday, March 09, 2007


What was that my mother told me years ago about posture and looking small as a consequence?


Rahul Siddharthan said...

This one's amazing.

Natasha Mhatre said...

:) they use it to their advantage quite a bit when hiding.

Rahul Siddharthan said...

What bird is it? Pardon my ignorance of ornithology.

OT -- I realised today that the phrase "secret life" appears in another Leonard Cohen song, The Future. I doubt that's appropriate to your book though :) (though it does have one possibly "green" reference -- "take the only tree that's left")

Anonymous said...

It's a pond heron. Quite common.

I've heard that song. I can't imagine that reference going down too well. :)

Prashanth M said...

haven't seen a pond heron in that neck stretched posture!! nice capture!

Natasha Mhatre said...

Yeah they're quite lovely, and will do all kinds of twisty things with their necks if they are relaxed!