A little history first. Sometime last year, when the construction of the new faculty quarters had just started, someone, most likely the builders knocked down a piece of the Jubilee park back wall. Whether this was done with authorization or not, I don't know. This piece stayed knocked down. The construction workers began dumping debri and garbage there. With most of them living there full time you can imagine how much garbage that was. Most of it is still there.
Another view from the same place
A depression in the ground in this area of the park gets filled up with water. That year the rains were good and the pond that formed was quite large. It got used by the workers as a convenient shit spot. The place was a land-mine. Shit fortunately eventually degrades and so it doesn't seem to be there right now. I don't know what the arrangements are like for the workers working at the new buildings and I don't know if there's a risk of this recurring, here or elsewhere. I don't know what this place's situation is vis-a-vis the current construction. Not much I think, because now its largely abandoned.
The rough locations of these places on a satellite image from Google earth
This was never your classical beautiful place, but it was not littered with plastic, shards of broken bottles, thermacol and a million polythene bags. It was not full of rats, never patrolled by a quite territorial pack of dogs who are understandably possessive of a rich pile of goodies. Its did not have the bones of many dead rats, eaten by someone, snakes most likely. And it most certainly did not teem, absolutely teem, with what to my overwhelmed ears sound like a million mosquitoes.
Aggregating caterpillars
The other images are also from the same area, from before, just to convince you that it's worth saving and to show what you might be saving.
Blue capped rock thrush
Directions from the main Jubilee entrance: Walk in the gate, take the path directly to your right. The path is straight down and then you have to take a left. Keep an eye on the wire fence to your left, and walk in to the first breach in the fence. A little further in and you'll be there.
PS: Please those of you that read this blog pass this around
And finally: the Paradise flycatcher
Did you get any responses about this?
No I didn't but I hope its at least being read! Don't know for sure.
A hard-copy print-out, on relevant notice boards (faculty club, coffee board, maybe the quarters themselves) may be a good idea, if you haven't already done so...
There is defintely some activity and interest from the faculty community and also amongst the campus care community team-we are e-talking about what to do. Thanks for creating a stir.
Thanks for letting me know Aarti, I hope you can do something. Do let me know if I can help in anyway. And good luck!
Actually, Abi (T.A. Abinandan-Materials Engineering) called attention to your blog site and is attempting to give it wider coverage plus bouncing action plans.
Oh great! I must write him a thank-you note. I know that he reads the blog. He comments here sometimes and often links to the blog as well.
I was hoping that he would read this and pass it around. Also any others who might be reading the blog would pick up on it. I thought it might be easier to get a more influential bunch of people interested in and going after the issue rather than me on my own.
I do hope things work out.
hi natz,
it was really nice of u to start spreading awareness about the situation of jubilee gardens in time. feels good to be part of the clean up drive today. hope the move that started today attracts the attention of more people, and the cleanliness of that place restored soon.
Thanks Joy, I'll be writing about the clean-up and posting some of the photos by the end of today.
It was really great fun, I haven't done anything like that in a long time!
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