Thursday, June 26, 2014

Secret lives: it's a kotwal, ya drongo

Continuing in the theme of names:

A black form flies
chasing would-be thief
and with harsh cries
defies him to try again.
He's a king, not crow,
he's a black drongo.

Before him a bee
twists him in flight.
Though you cannot see,
he has it in a trice.
He's a king, not crow,
he's a black drongo.

My song is mine
but yours is too.
I use it as a sign
to misdirect and fool.
I am a king, not crow,
I'm a black drongo.

But he too is fooled
raises anothers child
and is cuckool'd.
Sometimes it no use
being a king, not crow,
sometimes, you're just
a black drongo.

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